Challenges, Successes, and the Future of Firearm Injury Prevention

Centennial Issue
Population Health

Policy Points:

  • Firearm injury is a leading cause of death in the United States, with fatality rates increasing 34.9% over the past decade (2010-2020).
  • Firearm injury is preventable through multifaceted evidence-based approaches.
  • Reviewing past challenges and successes in the field of firearm injury prevention can highlight the future directions needed in the field.
  • Adequate funding, rigorous and comprehensive data availability and access, larger pools of diverse and scientifically trained researchers and practitioners, robust evidence-based programming and policy implementation, and a reduction in stigma, polarization, and politicization of the science are all needed to move the field forward.

Firearm injuries constitute a major US public health crisis that requires urgent attention. Fatality rates have increased 34.9% over the past decade (2010-2020), with firearms responsible for over 400,000 deaths and an estimated 1.2 million emergency department visits for nonfatal injuries during this time.1–4 In 2017, firearm deaths surpassed motor vehicle crash deaths for the first time in a generation3,4 and remain even higher today.3 Firearms were responsible for 45,222 fatalities in 2020, the highest absolute number of annual deaths ever recorded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and second only to opioid overdoses as an injury-related cause of death,1 and in 2020 firearms became the leading cause of death for children and teens.5 Although such injuries result from many causes, the overwhelming majority (98%) result from intentional forms of firearm violence such as nonpartner/partner homicides and assaults, self-inflicted firearm suicides, police violence, and active shooter incidents (e.g., school shootings).1,6 It should be noted that although active shooter incidents, such as mass shootings and school shootings, are devastating and receive the majority of national attention, they only make up a small fraction of the deaths and injuries occurring from firearms.7 Most deaths from firearms are self-inflicted firearm suicides.1 Additionally, long-term morbidity from firearm injuries is substantial, with 70% of adults reporting substantially worse physical health and function five years postinjury8 and 50% of children requiring disability and/or rehabilitative care on inpatient hospital discharge9 because of a firearm injury. Furthermore, individuals who survive an initial firearm injury are at elevated risk for repeat firearm injuries (some of which are fatal),10–13 substance use disorders,14 mental health issues (e.g., anxiety, PTSD),15 and criminal justice system involvement.12,16

The effects of firearm violence extend beyond the victims of firearm injuries to include those who witness a shooting or experience the injury or death of family and friends, yet we know relatively little about this secondhand experience and its sequelae. Communities are also affected by firearm violence because events such as mass shootings and firearm homicides and assaults can affect the collective community wide sense of safety and security,17–19 and firearm-related suicides can leave communities and family members dealing with long-term mental health sequalae.20–24 The economic costs of firearm injuries are high, estimated at $229 billion annually1,25–27 when including acute and longterm medical costs and disability care, lost work and productivity, and costs for criminal justice proceedings. Importantly, these estimated costs do not include the costs associated with the efforts of witnesses, friends, families, and communities to recover from this type of violence.

Open Access


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS). Updated February 9, 2023. Accessed October 10, 2022. https://www.cdc. gov/injury/wisqars/index.html
  2. Gani F, Sakran JV, Canner JK. Emergency department visits for firearm-related injuries in the United States, 2006–14. Health Aff (Millwood). 2017;36(10):1729-1738. 10.1377/hlthaff.2017.0625
  3. Goldstick JE, Carter PM, Cunningham RM. Current epidemiological trends in firearm mortality in the United States. JAMA Psychiatry. 2021;78(3):241-242. jamapsychiatry.2020.2986
  4. Rhee P, Prabhakaran K, Joseph B, et al. Firearm deaths are increasing and endemic in the USA: it is a problem of suicides and not homicides. World J Surg. 2021;45(5):1323-1329.
  5. Goldstick JE, Cunningham RM, Carter PM. Current causes of death in children and adolescents in the United States. N Engl J Med. 2022;20(386):1955-1956.
  6. Cunningham RM, Walton MA, Carter PM. The major causes of death in children and adolescents in the United States. N Engl J Med. 2018;379(25):2468-2475.
  7. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Active Shooter Incidents in the United States in 2020. 2021:1-24. Accessed October 10, 2022.
  8. Vella MA, Warshauer A, Tortorello G, et al. Long-term functional, psychological, emotional, and social outcomes in survivors of firearm injuries. JAMA Surg. 2020;155(1):51-59. https://doi. org/10.1001/jamasurg.2019.4533
  9. DiScala C, Sege R. Outcomes in children and young adults who are hospitalized for firearms-related injuries. Pediatrics. 2004;113(5):1306-1312.
  10. Cunningham RM, Carter PM, Ranney M, et al. Violent reinjury and mortality among youth seeking emergency department care for assault-related injury: a 2-year prospective cohort study. JAMA Pediatr. 2015;169(1):63-70.
  11. Carter PM, Walton MA, Roehler DR, et al. Firearm violence among high-risk emergency department youth after an assault injury. Pediatrics. 2015;135(5):805-15. peds.2014-3572
  12. Rowhani-Rahbar A, Zatzick D, Wang J, et al. Firearmrelated hospitalization and risk for subsequent violent injury, death, or crime perpetration: a cohort study. Ann Intern Med. 2015;162(7):492-500.
  13. Fahimi J, Larimer E, Hamud-Ahmed W, et al. Longterm mortality of patients surviving firearm violence. Inj Prev. 2016;22(2):129-34. 2015-041710
  14. Walton M, Epstein-Ngo Q, Carter P, et al. Marijuana use trajectories among drug-using youth presenting to an urban emergency department: violence and social influences. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2017;173:117-125.
  15. Garbarino J, Bradshaw CP, Vorrasi JA. Mitigating the effects of gun violence on children and youth. Future Child. 2002;12(2):73- 86.
  16. Carter PM, Dora-Laskey AD, Goldstick JE, et al. Arrests among high-risk youth following emergency department treatment for an assault injury. Am J Prev Med 2018;55(6):812-821. 10.1016/j.amepre.2018.07.003
  17. Soni A, Tekin E. How do mass shootings affect community wellbeing? National Bureau of Economic Research; 2020. Working Paper 28122.
  18. Foreman T, Erby A, Robinson MC, Stevens RL. Application: mass shootings: individual, community, and societal perspectives. In: Summers RW, ed. Social Psychology: How Other People Influence Our Thoughts and Actions. Vol 1. Greenwood; 2016:189-212.
  19. Patterson JA, Berry B, Forker JL, et al. It can happen here: addressing school safety and security after a mass shooting in a small Kansas town. In: Khosrow-Pour M, Clarke S, Jennex ME, Anttiroiko A-V, eds. Research Anthology on School Shootings, Peer Victimization, and Solutions for Building Safer Educational Institutions. IGI Global; 2021:451-467. 1-7998-5360-2.ch021
  20. Jordan JR. Bereavement after suicide. Psychiatr Ann. 2008;38(10):679-685. 1001-05
  21. Peters K, Cunningham C, Murphy G, Jackson D. Helpful and unhelpful responses after suicide: experiences of bereaved family members. Int J Ment Health Nurs. 2016;25(5):418-25.
  22. Abrutyn S, Mueller AS. Are suicidal behaviors contagious in adolescence? Using longitudinal data to examine suicide suggestion. Am Sociol Rev. 2014;79(2):211-227.
  23. Pitman A, Osborn D, King M, Erlangsen A. Effects of suicide bereavement on mental health and suicide risk. Lancet Psychiatry. 2014;1(1):86-94. 70224-x
  24. Maple M, Cerel J, Sanford R, Pearce T, Jordan J. Is exposure to suicide beyond kin associated with risk for suicidal behavior? A systematic review of the evidence. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2017;47(4):461-474.
  25. Peek-Asa C, Butcher B, Cavanaugh JE. Cost of hospitalization for firearm injuries by firearm type, intent, and payer in the United States. Inj Epidemiol. 2017;4(1):20. 1186/s40621-017-0120-0
  26. Quiroz HJ, Casey LC, Parreco JP, et al. Human and economic costs of pediatric firearm injury. J Pediatr Surg. 2020;55(5):944- 949.
  27. Lee J, Lurie J. 16 charts that show the shocking cost of gun violence in America. Mother Jones. April 15, 2015. Accessed October 10, 2022.

Roche JS, Carter PM, Zeoli AM, Cunningham RM, Zimmerman MA. Challenges, Successes, and the Future of Firearm Injury Prevention. Milbank Q. 2023;101(S1): 579-612.