State Technical Assistance

The Milbank Memorial Fund supports technical assistance convenings for states. These meetings can take several forms. Peer-to-peer information-sharing sessions usually involve policymakers from states with common challenges in specific areas of health care learning from states with effective and successful programs on that topic. Or, a state with a targeted need might want to learn more about another state’s program or from an issue expert.

This type of learning provides a forum for the meaningful exchange of ideas among states, the development of professional relationships between states with common challenges, and direct learning from evidence producers or program implementers. As one participant, Bill Hazel of Virginia, noted, “I go to (too) many meetings. This was one of the most useful that I have ever attended. Thanks for the assistance with this important and precedent-setting issue.”

Examples of meeting topics include a convening of states interested in learning more about innovative ways to use the private market to support their Medicaid programs, a meeting focused on learning about best practices in autism services, and a multi-state discussion on the challenges of long-term care services in rural communities. The convenings operate under Milbank Rules and are paid for by Milbank. If you are a state policymaker interested in learning about a particular issue from another state, contact Morgan McDonald, MD, at