Publication Topic

State Policy Capacity

Content Type:

  • Publication

    The Commonwealth Fund 2024 State Health Disparities Report: Milbank State Leadership Network Post-Briefing Fact Sheet

    July 2024 Sofia Espinosa Mary Louise Gilburg

    An overview of an MLSN briefing on the Commonwealth Fund’s 2024 state health disparities report. More

  • Publication

    State Opportunities for Health Care Market Oversight: MSLN Post-Briefing Fact Sheet

    May 2024 Sofia Espinosa Mary Louise Gilburg

    A Milbank State Leadership Network virtual briefing featured a presentation on new models of enhanced market oversight and insight from state attorneys general offices. More

  • Blog Post

    The Role of State Health Agencies in Disaggregating Latino Patients’ Data 

    April 2024 John Heintzman Miguel Marino  

    Over the past 40 years, numerous national organizations have called for health data disaggregation — breaking down data into smaller, more precise… More

  • Blog Post

    Peace and All Good Things: Charles Fahey, 1933-2023  

    February 2024 John M. Colmers Daniel M. Fox

    Chuck Fahey ended most conversations with individuals and groups with the five words that are the title of this brief celebration of his life and… More

  • Blog Post

    Leading for Health 

    January 2024 Christopher F. Koller

    Milbank Memorial Fund President Christopher F. Koller shares insights from state health policy leaders on leading responses to poor health in a complex and demanding environment. More

  • Blog Post

    Top 10 Ways to Build Bipartisan Support for Public Health Infrastructure 

    October 2023 Morgan McDonald Michael S. Sparer Lawrence D. Brown

    While much has been written regarding what needs to be done to strengthen public health for future preparedness and public safety, little attention… More

  • Lessons from State-Based Exchanges for Future Health Reform Initiatives


    Lessons from State-Based Exchanges for Future Health Reform Initiatives

    April 2017 W. David Helms

    In 2016, the original directors of the state-based insurance exchanges came together to reflect on their experiences implementing this option under the Affordable Care Act. This issue brief summarizes their collective lessons, using the state health capacities framework developed in a report published earlier this month on “State Policy Capacity and Leadership for Health Reform.” How leaders make decisions and implement new health polices is especially timely given the continuing debate about changes to the Affordable Care Act. More

  • State Policy Capacity and Leadership for Health Reform


    State Policy Capacity and Leadership for Health Reform

    April 2017 Pierre-Gerlier Forest W. David Helms

    What does it take in terms of staff, leadership, and resources to plan and implement new policies? The Affordable Care Act (ACA) may have been the largest complex piece of social policy legislation passed by Congress since Medicaid and Medicare—and it won’t be the last. This report examines state health policy capacity and leadership—and is especially important given the continuing debate about changes to the ACA and improving health care delivery in the United States. More